Naturopathic Medicine Physicians
Joseph Pizzorno, ND, is a leader and recognized pioneer in the field of naturopathic medicine.
Lara Pizzorno, MSN, is a leader in holistic nutrition and globally renowned expert in bone health.
Together, they are united in advancing the access, information, and physicians that people have to integrate science-based natural medicine into their lives for whole health and longevity.
Dr. Pizzorno and Lara Pizzorno are educators, consultants, authors, and speakers to businesses, academia, and conferences. To learn more about the power of the Pizzorno’s work, check out their extensive library of published textbooks and natural medicine books available for purchase on Amazon and other leading publishers.
To request a consultation with Lara or Joe, you can send your inquiry to Integrative Medicine Consultants, LLC.
Find Naturopathic Medicine Books by Dr. Joseph Pizzorno and Lara Pizzorno
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Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND
➤ discover Lara Pizzorno on Amazon
Lara Pizzorno, MSN
The Pizzorno’s Are Naturopathic Medicine Experts
Naturopathic medicine
Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND, is an internationally acclaimed expert on science-based naturopathic medicine. Dr. Pizzorno founded Bastyr University, and is an author, researcher, educator, and speaker, sharing his knowledge and findings on the efficacy of naturopathic medicine.
natural medicine quality control
Dr. Pizzorno and Lara Pizzorno are deeply focused on natural health with high-quality, high-potency natural ingredients. From organic foods to quality control in natural medical supplements, the Pizzornos believe that quality in natural medicine is paramount to the delivery and efficacy of researched protocols.
Environmental impacts on health
Dr. Joseph Pizzorno and Lara Pizzorno have dedicated their careers to researching the impacts of environmental toxins on human health and wellness. The Pizzorno’s research has helped thousands regain quality of life with access to natural medicine.
integrative medicine associates
Integrative Medicine Consultants was formed to support the work of Dr. Pizzorno and Lara Pizzorno.
osteoporosis and Bone health
Lara Pizzorno is an international medical researcher, author, and speaker with published research on bone health and natural interventions. Her work has helped thousands of people around the world improve their bone health, longevity, and quality of life.
natural medicine for osteoporosis
Lara Pizzorno’s published works and research has helped thousands of women and men reverse osteoporosis and degenerative bone health with natural medicine and lifestyle interventions.
“The truth of natural medicine will always prevail.”
Learn more about the events and information from Drs. Joseph Pizzorno and Lara Pizzorno.